Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Sept 19 Sharing on-line

I have never been one to share my thoughts other than orally face to face or over a telephone. I have seen and read too many novels, mysteries, plays etc. where even innocent communications are later used for blackmail or other nefarious purposes. A life long motto is never, never, never put anything personal in writing no matter how innocent because you never know where it will turn up or how it will be used. If this is true for pencil and paper which is corporeal, therefore easier to control or check for valitity, how much more is it true of electrons which are inherently untrustworthy? They never die and they never go so far away that someone won't be able to find it. Times change and opinions change. Why should I have to defend something which may have been perfectly proper and correct at the time and place it was generated, but now is not p.c.? (See the word "nigger" in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.) Too many people have stubbed their toes in all innocence to confide ANYTHING to an electronic device. Don't these people have ANY boundries???

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